PRE-WORKOUT EXPLAINED! — What Is It & Should You Be Using Pre-Workout Supplements? | Doctor ER
PRE-WORKOUT EXPLAINED! — What Is It & Should You Be Using Pre-Workout Supplements? | Doctor ER
PRE-WORKOUT EXPLAINED! — What Is It & Should You Be Using Pre-Workout Supplements? | Doctor ER. Doctor Wagner explains pre-workout supplements, best pre workout supplement, preworkout, pre-workout meal, pre-workout drink, pre-workout powder, how to take pre-workout, strongest pre-workout, homemade pre-work, and how to properly use it to boost performance, and more in this pre-workout review. Is choosing the best workout supplements the answer to how to build muscle fast and lose belly fat? Is pre-workout bad for you? Is it safe to take pre workout everyday? Questions about pre-workout backed by science are answered by a real doctor. Pre-workout supplements or pre-workouts are multi-ingredient dietary formulas designed to boost energy and athletic performance. They’re typically a powdered substance that you mix in water and drink before exercise. Ingredients typically will include amino acids BCAAs, B vitamins, caffeine, creatine, nitric oxide precursors, L-arginine, L-citrulline, and artificial sweeteners are often included. Have you pre-workouts such as C4 or any other brands? What has your pre-workout experience been? Let Doctor Wagner know in the comments below if you’ve ever tried any pre-workout powders and leave your pre-workout supplement reviews below in the comments.
C4 Ripped Sport Pre Workout Powder ▶
BSN N.O.-XPLODE Pre Workout Powder ▶
Bucked Up Pre Workout ▶
KAGED MUSCLE Preworkout ▶
@Jeremy Ethier – Pre-Workout Supplements: How To PROPERLY Use It To Boost Performance (Avoid Side Effects!)
@More Plates More Dates – He Took 4000 MG CAFFEINE Pre-Workout… This Is What Happened To Him
@Dr. Eric Berg DC – The Pre and Post Workout Meal Myth – DO’S and DON’TS
@BroScienceLife – Ask The Brofessor 17: Stimulant-Free Pre-Workout, Consent, Power Rangers
@Chubbyemu – A TikToker Chugged 8 Scoops PreWorkout Supplement. This Is What Happened To His Brain.
@Chris Bumstead – PULL DAY Full Workout | Pre-Workout Of Champions
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Doctor ER Dr. Jordan Wagner, DO
#PreWorkout #PreWorkoutSupplements #DoctorJordanWagner
What Are Pre-Workout Supplements—And Do You Need Them? | Self
Are Pre-Workout Supplements Good or Bad for You? | Healthline
Multi-ingredient pre-workout supplements, safety implications, and performance outcomes: a brief review | J Int Soc Sports Nutr.
The effect of acute pre-workout supplementation on power and strength performance | J Int Soc Sports Nutr.
Effects of a Pre-workout Supplement on…and Biomarkers of Safety | Int J Med Sci.
Acute effects of a commercially-available pre-workout supplement…study | J Int Soc Sports Nutr.
Common Ingredient Profiles of Multi-Ingredient Pre-Workout Supplements | Nutrients.
Ingesting a pre-workout supplement containing caffeine, B-vitamins, amino acids, creatine, and beta-alanine before exercise… | Nutr Metab (Lond).
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If you feel like you are actually experiencing a real-life medical emergency, immediately stop watching and call 9-11 or contact a medical professional. The information in this video is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The satirical nature presented in the video is for entertainment purposes and does not endorse the actions displayed. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace an appointment with your own personal doctor.
After reading the comments with peoples experiences i bet i will just stay away from it because of the long-term effects
Its good to achieve that dream body but remember being healthy is rhe key . My take is no caffeine , no creatine
What about the possibility of elevated liver enzyme’s?
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Can you make a video on mk677
A cup of black coffee with a pinch of salt is all the pre-workout you’d ever need. Modern pre-workout supplements have gotten insane
My skin itches badly without pre workout…especially when running
Bro doesn’t come from experience 😭🤣
I take creatine but it has side effects it gave me diarrhoea 😂
Bro looks like Ai 🤣
Yes they do work…..The thing ls you just need to find the right one that works for you and the only way to do that is to try them out.
I drink energy drinks coffee and prework out and tea i dont feel anything but normal
Make my own brand 3 people are part of it!
Chill with the pre workout and supplements
They should be used a few days a week not all week
Shid Damn near killed me
Don’t drink pre work out then chug a bunch of sodas later or a energy drink
You gotta sacrifice sodas and energy drinks on the days you use pre workout
Sounds like common sense but you’ll forget real easy
Just take nitric oxide or other non stimulate pre workout
I took pre-workout every single day and I stopped taking it for a few days and then I did take it and now I have super bad anxiety
I wish I could take a pre-workout I damn near drink a cup of coffee and it sent me into a panic attack
Niacin: Very interesting I have been suffering from itchy tingly skin all over with no marks, comes and goes, googled Huel which I have been taking as a food replacement and sure enough one portion contains 100% of the daily recommended intake of niacin. Corelates perfectly in timing! Thanks.
Baking soda under the tongue best pump pre work out
What’s your go-to pre-workout? Let me know in the comments! Don’t forget to smash that ‘LIKE’ button and SUBSCRIBE NOW! ▶
The guys who don’t use pre workout are the same guys who pay for a gym membership just to do 20+ hrs of yoga a week, and no lifting.
Caffeine is actually very bad for gains. You will build more muscle if you don’t take caffeine.. It gives you more strength and endurance. But it constricts your blood vessels. Which is the opposite of what you want for muscle growth. Same with Adderall.
Invishilines?? Thanks for the info on preworkout
Isom Overpass
No explode for me and sometimes use in place of coffee or energy drinks. Way less Cal and way more energy through the day
I always take a preworlojt befor my workout i take the c4,and i take a lil becsusenindont like the itchy feeling… and it makes my heary rate go up so i donit less
Dogshit video. Performance is not the same thing as improvement, which is the main reason for working out. What point is there for temporarily lifting 20kg more, when you don’t actually have a stronger body, just stronger stimulants in your system…
I have been bodybuilding for about 2 years now at a serious level and I just took pre-workout for the first time yesterday. It increased my energy level 10x and the pump was insane. Muscles I wasn’t even working out were pumped. My vascularity also increased and I feel like I got a better workout than normal. The downsides, I was so tingly I literally felt itchy, it made me have to poop almost immediately upon drinking it (not want to, HAVE to), and I could not sleep for at least 4 hours after my workout. It also made me have a night of restless sleep when I did finally pass out. My honest opinion, it works so well that it doesn’t seem like it could possibly be good for you. The increased heart rate and the locked in mental state along with the extreme tingling, it felt like a meth/cocaine hybrid with a bunch of caffeine. I would agree with the doc when he says only take it sometimes to prevent a dependency to the stuff
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I am planning to take beet root juice 30 minutes before my workout as it is a nitrate precursor.Should I go for it or someone has a better natural option in mind?Your help will be appreciated.
Why would anyone think that preworkout is a scam lmao ? It does what it is intended to do and that is to give a huge amount of energy. Lol
I tried it today I’m not doing it again. I’m too old I feel like I’m having a stroke. Bp and pulse are up my eye hurts, heart pumping
5:52-6:07 stop looking creepy
Coffee, Himalayan pink salt, a dash of baking soda, and Cialis/ Viagra will beat any crappy pre-workout that you can buy
can pre workout be taken even not training just to boost your forcus when studying
To be safe and fair to pre workout, im not a doctor, but i know how it works, basically it depends on your blood pressure or sugar level and if you take caffine all the time, it could result in not feeling it as much, meaning you need at least 2 scoops but also you need to be safe and pre is good but in moderation.
I take it as a caffeine drink in the morning because coffee bothered my stomach. I take 200mg and no spiders, it also barely wakes me up any more or less than a coffee. Idk, i like it as a replacement though.
Thank God that this is from a real doctor, because a non-doctor would probably have made this video informative!
Ok, it goes a little above pre-basic info closer to the end, but still VERY "American"! 🤮
Ladies if you need to get that house clean pre workout is your friend. You’ll zip right through all the chores 😂😂😂
Thanks for the info. However, how come you look like a dork? Haha, but thanks, though
0:00-8:28 just the whole DAMN video…i can’t look at this person….i subscribed and then had to UNsubscribe
I use c4 low caffeine
I see a lot of gym bros buy the large containers of pre workouts from our store. I was gonna get a small one and see what the hype was all about before a gym session. Glad i watched this as i already have high BP and need to watch what i eat/drink.
Я смотрю это видео после приема и уже на тренировке, потаму-что я ахринел от покаловании по коже.. 😂 теперь я знаю что это такое..
400mg of caffeine a day is insane
Mother bucker full scoop! So my anxiety can go through the roof 💪🏽
Is it safe for our kidneys
As a pre-workout dummy if u are not used to caffeine highly do not attempt pre workouts over 200mgs in caffeine won’t kill u for most but some it can if they’re organs can’t handle it yet strongest I took was a now baned brand(owned it begin it’s ban) was dark labs crack 425 mgs of caffeine oer scoop and also a substance i have no knowledge but am curious which was either dmha or dmaa I heard it described as a much stronger stimulant which is illegal in the us now
Just drink a cup of Joe / Java / aka Coffee and forget the supplements, drinks, etc. As for the IFBB ‘champs’ and gym bums: All of them as we well know are just chemical clowns in their steroid circus… no matter how ‘jacked’ they look…I’ll pass.
What are some better brands?
Good one I love it ❤