How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman
How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman
During episode 5 of the Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Andy Galpin, Dr. Galpin and Dr. Huberman discuss the importance of immediate post-workout recovery. They delve into actionable techniques like slow-paced music and down-regulation breathing, emphasizing the potency of structured breathing exercises, such as box breathing, in managing stress and enhancing recovery.
Dr. Andy Galpin is a professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton and a world expert on exercise science. Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the Huberman Lab podcast.
Watch the full episode:
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Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Andy Galpin:
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The guest talks like Huberman…
Thanks for the clip! I wrote about different recovery tehniques at gymelitepro!
So basically become a Demon Slayer.
Well that was 5 minutes of my life wasted useless advice.
Workout hard. Down protein shake, chill
Just take a nap in the gym
Is this guy on drugs? Literally nobody recovers like this. "Science."
Just take the bicycle back home from the gym or lay down on the couch after running. Drink a protein shake and get in the shower. Then light up a blunt and relax 😎
When I was in the marines they taught us box breathing to get your heart rate and anxiety under control in high stress situations. Really works still use it to this day
I usually feel tremendous after a workout, not awful.
I’m not trying to take anything away from science and the advancements we have made, but at what point do we see these gains even if they are in double digit percentile gains… At what point do we consider them negligible, if a child ability to punch who is increase by 38% if they trained over the course of three months… At the end of the day it’s a child punching, so what affect are we talking… I am not discrediting any of the information I’m just simply saying are these benefits truly markers of substantial gains or do the numbers just sound good?
What a useless video. Listen to music. Lay down. Breath…
Written by Gemini:
The top 5 points from the video are as follows:
1. Listen to slow-paced music after your workout to enhance recovery. Fast-paced music may slow down your recovery.
2. Do down-regulation breathing after your workout. In this video, Dr. Andrew Huberman suggests box breathing as an example. You can inhale for 3-8 seconds, hold for the same time, exhale for 3. 3-8 seconds, and hold again for the same time. Repeat this cycle for 3-10 minutes.
4. You can do down-regulation breathing in the shower. If you are short on time, you can do 3 minutes of focused relaxation breathing in the shower.
5. Short period of breathing exercises can significantly decrease resting heart rate. Cyclic sighing (inhale-inhale-exhale) or box breathing for five minutes are both effective.
6. Meditation can also reduce stress markers but not as significantly as breathing exercises.
I’ve often noticed that stretching after my run (during which I usually listen to more high paced music) is much more pleasant if I listen to some slow, chill music. Leonard Cohen seems to work very well for some reason 😀
As for lying down and breathing, it’s curiously close to how most Yoga sessions tend to end, which makes perfect sense.
I‘m pretty good at ending workouts, a how to start guide would be more valuable to me 🙏🏼🌚
Try ujya breath with attention on the sensations in the body.
I read so much about box breathing, and also tried it several times but I feel quite uncomfortable with it. Any suggestions?
This clip is pulled from the "Dr. Andy Galpin: Maximize Recovery to Achieve Fitness & Performance Goals" episode of Huberman Lab. The full episode can be found on YouTube here:
How to end every workout? Don’t start them!
Nothing too important guys.
How to overthink life 101
In which order should i do these things after workout?
– the breathing and relaxation described in this video
– stretching
– shower
I read that stretching after a warm shower is good because the muscle will be warm and softer. Shall i do the relaxation before (but in that case, won’t my muscles cool down too much for stretching?) or after (in that case do i lose the benefits described in this video?) ?
Did they ever release the documents that summarize all the different protocols he words vomited at us?
the breath is something special
I get sleepy after a workout so i nap, and when i wake up i feel like superman
Laying down and breathe in a structured cadence with eyes closed? Do you mean ‘shavaasan’? Nothing new here. The more I listen to these kinda clips the more I realize how much some of the podcasts have over complicated and ‘scientified’ basic things that have already been known and practiced. Just make it sound all cool and intense by calling it a ‘xyz protocol’ etc.
Adding visual content can increase this video’s content quality! I wonder why they left that point! It’s a modern world, they should deliver fast.
Thank you.
Would there be any benefit to box breathing between sets?
Listen to music. That’s when he lost me
So, you’re telling me to do a cooldown at the end of my workout? Shocker.
The slower pace music post workout that is simething very interesting to learn that naturally one can lean to, now we have the data for it, the beeathing post workout is a very very old school in martial arts, nit a session would be finished if 5 min laying down eyes closed slow breathing/relaxation was not done , relaxing each part of the body consciously , which is a yogic method known as yoga nidra
Just listen to Offsprings time to relax and you will get the same advice in 26 seconds
Savasana 😊
advice for people watching listen. Take advice from someone who has a physique you’d want to achieve AND is notable in their chosen field. i.e Dr. Mike Israetel > Andy Galpin
I end the workout with 1 dextrose tablet for a significant spike in insuline (which is known to be extremely hyperthorphic), then 15 minutes after I take a whey shake of about 25g proteine, followed 30 minutes after by a caseine based proteine source.
This gives 2 significant spikes in muscle proteine synthesis and hyperthorphy, followed by longer term (12h+) elevated proteine synthesis.
Any other meals then go forward as follows.
Generally speaking my recovery time is 24-36h.
Stretching for the cooldown, hot shower, 8oz water w/ electrolyte packet, meal, protein shake and SLEEP.
Good video. 1000yrs old yogic wisdom rediscovered 😉
This video came at the perfect time – just what I needed to get back on track with my fitness goals
Elevates the most basic necessity of life. Just Breathe. Be mindful, be deliberate, and have a purpose in everything you do. Use this Recovery Breathing not just for the gym, but anytime life offers you stress. Music, sauna, hell, i love me some cold air conditioning–take advantage of all your resources. Accept the stress, learn from it, grow from it, and most of all give yourself the time & space to recover from it. This is so useful; I can be more useful.
Dab shatter after your workout and drink your protein shake 💪🏻😶🌫️💪🏻
Box 📦 breathing is good
I’ll try it out but it sounds pretty crazy to me
This breathing and music is supposed to help muscle gains? Crazy.
Lol. I think the internet is out of content.
I’m bored
The man looks like he can barely do a pull up but sure I’ll take his advice lol
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