How I Build Muscle Without Bulking
How I Build Muscle Without Bulking
Today I’m giving you guys a closer look at how I’ve been able to build muscle without bulking for the past 4 years!
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Ur black??
Bro you have african dont need to workout as hard to get the same results as other people
bro got money for tatoos but not for oatmeal , a giant bag of nuts & a rotissary chicken
Can you make a video on how to eat more protien when your broke I’m 6ft1 and 16 so it’s hard to get in protein while living with my parents.
how i build muscle without bulking: genetic lottery winner
Thank you drew I feel like this is going to work for me.I’m 14 years old living in Baltimore I have no job and I’m built like a twig but I feel like this plan really suits me because I also have no money and is currently broke and if you live here you would know the prices on things in the hood it’s terribly high for how mutch the average person gets paid thanks for the video il def give this a try.
If you gained 30lbs bro you were bulking. You don’t gain 30lbs from magic.
I’m realizing making a 5-10 minute video every day may have been a stretch but I’ll still be giving you guys what I can daily!
I keep putting on a kg then losing it 61/62pretty ripped and don’t look to skinny but I’ve struggled on my upper chest and and my lower abs never had lower abs or upper chest I use to be 76kg when I was 16 always Masculine but never ripped and now I’m 61 but boxy still looks the same lol
How can you afford the protein without a protein powder?
If youre scared of bulking tell me when you stop ovulating.
Soda and processed foods will mess up gain and especially alcohol
I just listened for his voice 😉
Im 5’9 like 160-170 lbs and its all fat and a big gut coming in and man boobs. I feel week can barely get 10 push-ups out of me. I just work, sit around the house play games and eat. I dont have the funds for a gym membership for weights so im gonna start a bunch of home workouts doing a bunch of sets to build muscle,should i invest in protein powder for before and after workouts? I just want to lose fat gain muscle full body and not just look like a fat twig basically my arms are so skinny its just embarrassing i definitely want to work on myself i just never worked out before and clueless to what everything means.
Bro you too damn big I’m 5’5 and 120 but I’m shredded but you my guy are on some Greek god stufff 😂 I can’t be that big I’m too short UNC
I mean, if you gain weight, muscle or fat, it is still bulking
Wait did I just see bro playing league of legends with a controller ?
Bro got such a soothing voice,i love the video,informative,no BS,quick and helpful,im training Calisthenics for several months now and i plateaued since the first months,now rarely seeing results even tho im doing the progressive overload (weighted push-ups and imrpoving my reps form),but still my waist is getting biger i don’t get it,also it’s really hard to get enough protein bcz you need recipes and stuff
Also you look really good,88 Kg looks so fine on you,just built and strong,also 95 Kg,but since those numbers are huge,you must be so tall,especially if you need +3000 Cal
Bro genetics 🎉
Beautiful voice
Great video! What I don’t get is how people are trying to tell this man how he lived. He said he ate in a caloric deficit so that is what he did. Take the advice or don’t, but stop trying to correct him.
I’m like one year late to this video, but what are the best protein sources you’d recommend for someone who wants to start but aren’t really in a financial position to buy all the fancy nice stuff
i want a bruce lee physique small but take shirt off and cut up like a thanksgiving turkey
Thanks for the info bro. Would you say 1.6g per kg of desired/goal weight. Or is the ratio to your current weight?
And how tall are you?
What’s your height?
if you put on 30 lbs you were in fact bulking. it is impossible to gain weight without being in a caloric surplus.
Bro legit look like DK Metcalf
Hamza had me so convinced I was assed out.
“I gained 30lbs of muscle” 😂😂😂 good one
You should be a voice actor—not kidding. Look into it.
Thanks bro
Thumbnail had me think this was rich homie quan
What to eat ?
You shouldn’t cut the broll and photos so quickly. Let them play longer.
There’s no rush to go back to the talking head.
Handsome sir
Bro you look like the actor RJ Cyler
How i realised im grown up the gym is more tempting than the club 😢
Yes bro you should do this more😂😂😂 but for real I learnt a lot and the video is interesting
Yes do this daily
This is literally the muscle that i want that won’t get you bigger but muscular
Man this dude is cooler than the other side of my pillow! 😎💪🏾
180 is a good amount of weight to subvert to muscle, I am 6 feeet tall and 160-165, This is the real dilemna
You are really amazing brother…..🔥🔥🔥
Subscribed after 47 seconds this is great content
how often should I take in that amount of protein, is that 1.6 g times kg of body weight per week, per day, per month? Just need a little more understanding if somebody know I would appreciate it.
The best workout for muscle growth is 300 arm curls500 pushups
BRO… You have a voice for narrating books and voice over. There is Talent there sir.