Sergio Watkins deadlifts 765 at 135lbs and is taller I believe, not to say this isn’t impressive but you have to really look at the landscape to understand where the lift stands
Sorry, I can’t believe that till I see it in front of my own eyes. How do you know he’s not using fake weights?! You just can’t unless you’re there yourself and can verify that the weights are real.
See title knew it was sumo
Sumo kinda makes it bad
It’s a shame it’s not conventional
This takes years if dedication I only have been power lifting for 1 year and now I’m 1000lb club I plan on being 1200 lb next year
If it was conv it be good
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Good stuff bro!!
Bruh you need to talk about what marvel animation did good god
Not lockout but still impressive
4.93x. Not 5x. Sorry, have a few more pounds to best Lamar Gant 😉
He is carrying shaq insane
wouldn’t that be ipf world record? cant believe that this is legit
Omg why’s this kid doing sumo
Real ?
Sergio Watkins deadlifts 765 at 135lbs and is taller I believe, not to say this isn’t impressive but you have to really look at the landscape to understand where the lift stands
fake weights
That would have passed at a competitive level, but even still it’s fucking insane
Now that’s sumo
its more then cleanear Anatoly ,this if 325+kg
What are they feeding these kids
Bros lifting a lot more than anatoly and a lighter bodyweight.
People who are going crazy that he’s doing sumo should shut up.
Sumo 😞😞😞😞
Crazy it looks like it’s not gonna move.
0 rom.
Im skeptical
Whats the name of the song playing?
Hell yeah bro, just gotta get a little heavier and I’ll hopefully be pulling weight like this someday soon also.
Athletic>aesthetic plz
😂 Chicken legs 🍗
@quin stott
147 lbs and your chest sticks out further than a woman? Unless you’re 4’11" I’m calling bs on your actual weight
I dont get how people that are fans of the sport have no idea what hook grip is, it hurts my soul🤦
Now conventional
20cm Range of motion
Here I was thinking my 3x body weight deadlift was good 🥲
That’s nuts.
bro lifted 5x of his bw legend
natural or not (probably natural) this is very good and beyond almost everyone.
Not locked more like holding position not bad but be careful you can injure if your deadlift don’t have the right posture
I know a lot of people who would have gave up 2 seconds into the lift
Sorry, I can’t believe that till I see it in front of my own eyes. How do you know he’s not using fake weights?! You just can’t unless you’re there yourself and can verify that the weights are real.
Watching his hips rise – snap city is coming.
Lift it to ur top of ur thighs and it would count
No straps too. Great!
Now do it convecional (your lift still was impresive)
Double overhand. Hell yeah dude. Great lift
Очень круто!
Age 40. Can barely lift water bottle
0 reps
He definitely watches Tamra Wilcott