U-Powex Resistance Bands Review – 6 Months Later | Build Muscle at Home
U-Powex Resistance Bands Review – 6 Months Later | Build Muscle at Home
U-POWEX Resistance Bands: https://amzn.to/2OYEAD0
Unboxing: https://youtu.be/7p8L2dUWFH4
Perfect Fitness Pull-Up Bar Pro: https://youtu.be/54OBKr1x7R8
Wodfitters Bands: https://youtu.be/6-t0frkN_rY
UnderSun Bands: https://youtu.be/cNBuHcIa7D0
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The U-POWEX resistance bands are a solid set of 5 colored bands ranging from 10lbs to 50lbs of resistance. These can be used in place of or for assistance with other equipment in your home gym.
I use these bands to perform and supplement many exercises in my training as well as train with them in place of cardio if it is raining or snowing outside. These resistance bands are also great for traveling.
The video goes over why I love these resistance bands and how it may help with your home training. Feel free to comment below with any questions you may have. Be fit – game on!
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#UPOWEX #ResistanceBands #Review
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As expert, I do believe Custokebon Secrets can be good way to lost crazy amounts of fat. Why not give it a chance? perhaps it’ll work for you too.
I put a deadbolt on my door it works great
I love the way you don’tshow the athlete’s feet, so we can’t see how the exercise band is anchored to the feet. It’s okay, we can guess at it.
thx for the video but sorry I don’t believe you build up your muscle with bands. I train since 20s and the body is build with weights. Maybe they can help you if you cant go to the gym for a while .
Just got theses, hope they’re good. https://www.powerguidance.com/collections/top-sellings/products/18-pcs-resistance-bands-set
It doesn’t matter which way the door opens. Put the anchor through the side the hinges are on and close the door and you’re fine.
This bands are useless… Lifting weights can’t be compared with bands…. Better buy some home gym set for less price or on second hand..
No offence to you sir ur advice was really good
Would really appreciate if you could make another review for a 1+ year review. If not it’s ok I still find this video really helpful here’s my sub!
Peace be upon you
I see a lot of people using these bands that are already muscular.. what’s your opinion on how these can work to truly build a physique? I use to work out at the gym, but life got in the way. Now I’ve gotta restart and heavily considering resistant bands. Thanks
I payed 10.99 today for mine same ones. I got them from Amazon.
Thank you for your advice. I have ordered similar resistance bands, I have not trained in over 30 years. I hope it helps me in some way.
the handles dig into my lower arm area. which is sadly why i stopped using them. even with gym. gloves on.
Can someone please explain how adding bands together increases total resistance? Surely it you add a 30lb band to a 50lb band the total resistance is still 50lb? I think I’m missing something very obvious sorry!
No longer on Amazon…would you happen to know another brand that you trust?
can i build big juicy muscles with this and protein in a bulk and consistency?
This is the problem with us people, that we go out on weekend and spend more than 50 dollars per night just for alcohol or smoking or other unnecessary things. But when it comes to our health and things which benefits our body, 50 dollar gets very expensive. If you understand what i mean. Thumbs up and stay healthy
Hi there, have you considered Custokebon Secrets yet? Simply just do a google search. On there you will find an awesome suggestions about how you can lost tons of weight. Why don’t you give it a chance? maybe it will work for you too.
How do resistance bands get rid of flabby arms?
What back exercises can you use with these bands?
Have you seen any muscle growth since you been using these bands for 6 months. ?
My cooworker laughed when I told them I was planning to lose weight with just implementing Custokebon Secrets, but after I showed them incredible effects right after I used it they are begging me to tell them about it. Of course I won’t let them know the details about this diet plan, haha
Couple hours ago i checked a store near my work, i found this stuff and it is enthousiastic, i’ll buy some In-shaa-allah and start working out, i have to do quicklly before i loose enthousiasme
Does one of them snap?
I got them in January 2021, paid 57.70 including tax and they’re AMAZING!!
Got same ones off eBay but different brand for 12£! Very good quality! Got an old kinda of versions that it broke after the first workout and I’ve returned them, make sure to buy the ones with a stronger link head and not the black rubber ones as is kept in with just a zip that it will fall off quickly.
You can combine this with a old Bowflex for 40-80$ and combine the resistance of 220lb to 370lb, and 520 if you buy 2 of these making the cheapest/most effective resistance gym.
Can you please let me know if I should purchase this or the whatafit bands you also reviewed also I’m 5’8 would these bands or the whatafit still be good ?
Anyone know what is Custokebon Secrets about? I hear lots of people burn their weight with this popular fat burn diet plan.
Was there a before and after picture or did I miss something?
Do elastic bands maintain the same level of elasticity through the years or do they become less resistant and more sloppy as time goes by?
I really like your reviews. I saw another youtube video praising the Bodylastics resistance bands. Can you check it out and compare to the U-Powex or What a Fit bands before I make my decision?
I have the exacr same package as yourself but they are a different brand name, everything is exactly the the same apart from the logo. Cost me £20.
Bro I can’t get my bands even no matter what, there’s always more on one side
I bought this to supplement my home strength training which consists of bodyweight exercises and a ton of grip snd forearms equipment from iron mind. These are great i can do bench press, shoulder press, flies, rows bicep curl etc. The muscle contraction from bands is unreal much better than weights also these are superior for plyometric or speed training. Great for using when on vacation or traveling. They wont build mass and huge brute strength like barbells but using these with bodyweight training and some running/jump rope will build a great and functional physique, with more than enough strength unless you want to be worlds strongest man or an elite level power lifter.
well did you build your msucles with these things or with regular gym? Because idk… I am not motivated to do this, if it can’t make me gain muscles
Got these during quarantine last year. So far so good. I’m not consistent with them tho. I use them maybe twice a week.
i got the same as that but on ebay from a company with no name for £18 and they even came with a bag for all of the pieces, it’s a really good product.
I think the ankle straps would work if you lay on your stomach and pull the bands with your ankles to work out your hamstrings
Hey dude just bought some. I am worried though because i am 6’4 and. I am very larry of trying to put them over my shoulders for a over head press. Do you think they would snap? I am not sure as to what is thr max stretch length is on them.
Could you tell me what is the length of the bands?
8 months later would you still recommend these bands out of any bands you’ve had so far?
Has anyone tried Okibetonic Secrets? (search on google) We’ve noticed many awesome things about this popular fat burn method.
I bought cheap bands ( ~12 euros) and they snapped one by one. if you gonna do this invest in something little more expensive. I used to move a lot and couldn’t go to a gym and bands combined with some other equipment and calishenics exercises is very good and time efficiënt workout and I build good muscle with it
Im 61 been doing some form of physical exercise most of my life from early teens .Ive the past month just started using bands these types and some really heavy duty i take to outside calisthenics park and attach to the bars in the park.Its nade a difference to my body constant tension its great and better for my joints
When you use the 50lb band to curl with both hands. Is the resistance actually 25lb per hand or 50lb
Can the bands snap from the binding?
Men I bought those for 10 dollars
Due to the price Increase I decided to go with the Bodylastics Level 2 Kit. Cost a total of $66 after taxes . I’d prefer level 3 buts it’s not in stock . Bodylastic has a pre-built O-Ring hole to hold the hooks / clamps , has anti-snap woven cord technology & their resistance ratings are tested with a fish scale .