The Best Workout Routine/Split For Busy Schedules
The Best Workout Routine/Split For Busy Schedules
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God loves you he sent his one and only son and if we walk in the path Jesus walked in we will enter the kingdom of Heaven’.
What if I don’t have a busy schedule? 5 days or is that overdoing it?
Not gonna lie, been waiting for a video like this. The volume in your programs can get pretty intense.
Don’t get me wrong, they’re worth the effort. But for busy parents like myself who don’t have the free time they used to have back in their 20’s, 2.5 hour + workouts are usually impractical. Thank God for antagonist super sets!
Upper lower defo the best I can only get in 3 times a week. This helps me loads
I go for 5 days a week on 5 km, 100 squats, 50 dips, 50 pull ups, 50-100 pushups
Give us your steroid cycle
We have the same body type 6 ft at 217 are Cavs take time leg day everyday but the secret supplements that promote blood flow nitro oxide followed by half hour of stretching your legs. Your calves will grow
If you are even lazier, do a full body workout every 72 hours. That’s about two per week. You might need an hour 15 min for the workouts.
Full body split : Am I a joke to you ?
So you’re not actually going to explain the split? What do you work on each day? And you do two days of legs?
You can also do upper/lower 6 times a week straight one after another, then 1 day – works quite nice to me
Supersetting compound exercises? I thought that was a no no
What about full body?
JESUS CHRIST loves you. JESUS CHRIST died for our sins. He wants to have a closer relationship with you. JESUS CHRIST is coming soon. you can have a closer relationship with JESUS CHRIST by becoming a born-again Christian and also by reading your Bible daily. Heaven is real.❤
He looks like a pompous prick
I do 2 upper body days and 2 lower body days then 1 day focusing on deadlifts
Good afvice
Crazy how you were at one point considering joining the Air Force and now you’re doing this full time. Great decision.
As soon as I saw the inverted pull-ups, I dipped. Nobody does those kind of exercises unless they’re clout seeking.
some of the strongest people have preferred upper-lower split. some of the most popular strength training programs are using it. Texas, 5/3/1, etc.
Full body split 3 days are better
4 days a week?? Man i barely have time for 3 times a week
Full body 3/4 times a week is best for efficiency and growth, toughens you mentally as well
Thanks, this is my standard workout schedule. Full body, 4 days a week.
Agree on this one
I think a torso and limb split is even more effective,
torso: pressing, pulling compounds+ delts
limbs: legs, arm superset after
Upper lower with an arm/shoulder day is king.
maybe for calisthenics
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Upper body takes way too long
I do 2 leg days a week for calisthenics and 3-4 upper body currently
Is it bad that I do 2 lower body workouts back to back and 2 upper body workouts back to back?
For example I do
Lower body/Leg Day: Monday, Tuesday and Friday
Upper body: Wednesday and Thursday