Pioneer PAL Belt vs. SBD Belt – Best Lever Powerlifting Belt??
Pioneer PAL Belt vs. SBD Belt – Best Lever Powerlifting Belt??
The Pioneer PAL Belt and SBD Belt are the best adjustable lever belts on the market. Which is the best though?
➡ Best Weightlifting Belts:
The SBD Belt is the stalwart. They offered the first adjustable lever belt and it was a tremendous evolution in strength support. Pioneer, a maker of fantastic belts decided to release their own version and call it the Pioneer PAL Belt.
Today I compare the two and share which is the best lever belt for powerlifting.
➡ Pioneer PAL Belt (Use code: BASEMENT10 or UNTAMED10 for 10% off):
➡ SBD Belt Review:
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Love my PAL belt.
You didn’t mention the benefits of the half-inch adjustment on the pioneer.
There’s a high pitched sound in the vid when you talk
Maybe im dumb, but how is "normal" lever belt is worse? How many times do you have to unscrew to change the position? Once a year, if that? For most people likely never. Of course PAL and SBD is an upgrade, but its luxury upgrade, not a necessity, not for that price difference anyway.
Good amount a weight…and a lot of possibilities for exercises.
fix ur mic if u havent already I feel like im hearing someones hearing aid
That beep with every word you say. It is morse for what you are saying?
my main reason why i would consider the sbd belt belt over the pinoier one ist just it being as profen as it is so many world rekords so many situations where something could have happend where already done with the sbd belt and i can count on it and since at a really heavy lift i basicaly have to trust this belt with my life i might tend to ignore the higher price just the higher garanty of safety
super annoying unintended high frequency sound in the audio of this video 0.o
tf is that ringing it’s driving me nuts
Is the pioneer PAL USAPL and IPF approved?
And Pioneer is built in the 🇺🇸!
Johnson Lisa Martin Cynthia Walker Christopher
I like the one that has a belt buckle on it
Both are great belts! I love my 13mm pioneer and my SBD
In the market for a belt and this is super helpful.
Super helpful! Thank you!
Today’s pricing: $140-150 vs $280 dollars.
Another thing with these cheaper level belts is that, over time, the cheap lever will explode at the bottom of the lift.
just found this thanks i know which belt im getting
This may be a very old video, but something is definitely up with the microphone
Actually the sbd take only 3 weeks
Jesus my autism will not let me listen to this vid with that beeping noise that sucks
I got a belt on Amazon and the inside of it feels like Sandpaper. Is that normal? Do these belts have that problem also?
SBD now does a 10mm thick lever belt but in the UK it costs £219.99 ($276.46) exactly the same as the 13mm thick belt. I like the newer PAL V2 lever that Pioneer has now which allows half inch adjustments rather than the usual inch adjustment. As well as offering customised belts Pioneer also do 3" wide lever belts which many shorter powerlifters really appreciate. I should say that SBD lever belts are the best coz I’m English but I don’t think you can beat a Pioneer PAL V2 lever belt in any department – which is why I bought one.
I have owned both for a long time, and Pioneer’s quality is amazing but a lot of powerlifters get SBD because its IPF approved and that’s the biggest factor imo. That also contributes to the price.
You fluctuate 100lbs bro????😳🤣
Have you tried the Titan adjustable lever belt?
I just received my sbd belt but i when i lock it no sound comes from lever like its coming from ur lever im worried
Williams John Jackson Patricia Hernandez Gary
How does the stiffness of the SBD compare to the 13mm pioneer? I have tried the SBD of a friend in the gym and I find the stiffness to be absolutely amazing. I think the half inch increments of the PAL is better though. Note: I live in Europe, so I’d be getting the A7 instead of pioneer. Im assuming its just the name that’s different. Here the A7 Pal is 285euros and the sbd is 260 euros.
Have flexz works
Did bro say 350 to 450? Did he mean grams?
Hernandez Anthony Garcia Matthew Robinson Lisa
Great video, going to buy a pioneer belt right now
Grimes Circle
350 or 450?
He uses a belt on warm-up sets…. LOL 😂😅😂
Hey. There is something wrong about your mic settings/interface. When you speak, there is a high pitch beeps at the back ground. It stops when you stop speaking. I thought it was my speakers at first and i cleared those with a speaker cleaning program but it wasn’t that. It’s in the recording. Just that u know. 👍🏻
Are there any powerlifting belts like the SBD belt that you don’t have to keep screwing it off and on that it’s built right on the Belt.
Can I unscrew the lever if I want to get more adjustability?
Pioneer double suede or regular?
Regular is not stiff at all
Pioneer is definitely the clear winner. Problem with the SBD is their buckle is very big. Unfortunately, Pioneer isn’t IPF approved. I’m currently using Titan adjustable which is IPF approved, and pricing is between the two. Buckle for Titan is also smaller and also customizable. Belt is 13mm
Are you testing the 13mm or 10mm Pioneer that’s easy to break in?
I love the pioneer bc of the half inch adjustment and the lower price, the half inch adjustment is so nice bc when you’re a little bloated or cutting you don’t need a screwdriver to change it you can just drop it a notch or two
Great comparison. I would choose Pioneer because of how fine adjustment you can make. The step in SBD is slightly to big for my liking. I often wish I could go "in between"
Did he say 350 to 450? 😂
I just got sbd for my bf: 420cad including tax.
I just ordered the stock, Pioneer, (NO SUEDE), 13mm 4" with PALv2, all black. Suede is a sponge of sweat, and odor.
For that reason alone SBD is a no go for me.
If SBD had a no suede option i would have considered the SBD over Pioneer. I sweat when i workout. Pioneer makes more sense for me and i don’t have a layer of suede that is blocking me from treating and conditioning the leather portion of the belt, under the suede as in the SBD.
1:21 what is 350-450??