How To Boost Workout Performance After 50 (JUST DO THIS!)

How To Boost Workout Performance After 50 (JUST DO THIS!)

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Do you feel like you have a lack of energy in your workouts? Are you not seeing the results you would like because you aren’t getting a good workout? Stick around because I am going to give you 5 great tips on how to boost workout performance after 50. You don’t need to work harder in your workouts to get more results, there are other ways to boost workout performance. Let’s get started with these 5 tips on how to boost workout performance after 50.

Tip #1: LISTENING TO MUSIC. Music captures attention and a range of emotions, regulates mood, and regulates work output. It can increase performance and endurance to help energize and prolong your workouts to get better results. Also, music helps drown out what is going on around you so you can focus on what you need to do in your workout.

Tip #2: DRINK WATER. You need to make sure that you are staying hydrated, you need to be drinking throughout the course of the day. If you drink coffee or alcohol, it will take more water to get properly hydrated. It is good to drink water, even if you are not thirsty. If you are thirsty and your mouth is dry, you are already dehydrated.

Tip #3: TAKING SUPPLEMENTS. If you are looking to get a good boost for your workouts that doesn’t have any caffeine in it, Anabolic Pump is great for you. If you workout at night, it won’t keep you up late after the workout. Give Anabolic Pump a try to help you get better results from your workouts.

Anabolic Pump:

Tip #4: KEEP A JOURNAL. Keep track of your workouts because you need to know how much weight and reps/sets you are doing. That way you can track your progress and push yourself to get better and avoid plateaus.

Tip #5: NUTRITION. You have to eat better! It is up to you what you eat, those are decisions you make. You need to make sure that you are eating quality whole foods, and avoid the processed foods. This is important for so many things, not just losing weight.

Alright guys, that wraps up this video tutorial on how to boost workout performance after 50. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to build muscle and get back in shape after 50.


  1. @lexfauser3009 on February 25, 2025 at 7:29 pm

    I always listen to my favorite music during all my fitness training at home!
    And I like the music in the gym!
    And also I drink always water during my training.
    I know my journals and I notice my journals in my fitness app on my smartphone!
    I can really try to take some supplements to make my work-outs better!
    So thanks for this important and good information!

  2. @rounaksubramanian1686 on February 25, 2025 at 7:30 pm

    And sir can you make a video on bcaa and amino acid

  3. @zaidalgailany5707 on February 25, 2025 at 7:33 pm

    Thank you mark

  4. @brianjarman4131 on February 25, 2025 at 7:33 pm

    I’m confused does caffeine dehydrate or does it increase performance?

  5. @jasonhurst8599 on February 25, 2025 at 7:47 pm

    I really enjoy yours, and Gary’s videos, and incorporate a lot of the info into my own workouts, and life (I’m 61); but because I have Balance issues due to Peripheral Neuropathy would love to see some videos on good types of equipment free cardio (both Steady State, and H.I.I.T.) aside from walking – which I do a lot of with a walker – for people who do have balance problems; but do want to burn fat.

  6. @fernandofloresm2021 on February 25, 2025 at 7:48 pm

    Great and interesting information. Clear and punctual! Thanks for sharing.

  7. @juliuscaesar8801 on February 25, 2025 at 7:49 pm

    0:55 2:47 4:45 9:23

  8. @yomango35 on February 25, 2025 at 7:51 pm

    Mark , you are right on the spot on everything you said . But I will add one more thing also important . Its stretching specially when you get older .

  9. @jameskelly6479 on February 25, 2025 at 7:53 pm

    Listening to music while working out would brake my concentration because I am a musician. We don’t listen to music like other people. I’m 72 and I’m leaning towards Dorian Yates method of lifting. You must wade into this method or it won’t work for old people. If you drink too much boos try taking some MSM. If this is too much to handle- don’t worry most people don’t get it either.

  10. @brucehillbillybarthalow3786 on February 25, 2025 at 7:58 pm

    Coffee even though it’s a diuretic,does contain potassium, 116 milligrams to be exact.unlike mountain dew ,cola or various energy drinks.

  11. @kevinphilip5669 on February 25, 2025 at 8:01 pm

    Thank you sir

  12. @shooter2843 on February 25, 2025 at 8:02 pm

    I listen to hardcore rap during my workout.😃

  13. @wendipatty1936 on February 25, 2025 at 8:03 pm


  14. @albertrosa5716 on February 25, 2025 at 8:08 pm

    I need my headphones on to listen to my favorite motivating workout music in the gym for the same reason the gentleman gave. The music that they play in my gym sucks.

  15. @davidcampbell6765 on February 25, 2025 at 8:10 pm

    Love the info you guys put out. Thank you!

  16. @rounaksubramanian1686 on February 25, 2025 at 8:12 pm

    Very well said sir about this topic and keep it up and keep training hard and be strong always sir and stay safe and stay healthy and be positive and happy always sir

  17. @Spafon1 on February 25, 2025 at 8:16 pm

    I always listen to a non fiction audiobook. For some reason I find it hard keep track of fiction while working out, but non fiction is fine.

  18. @LiveAnabolic on February 25, 2025 at 8:16 pm

    Boosting workout performance is going to help you push for one more rep or add five more lbs to your dumbbells… And those extra reps or weight means you’ll be able to build more muscle and burn more fat… So I want to give you a few tips on how to boost your workout performance and you’ll be surprised at how easy it will be…

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