FULL WEEK WORKOUT PLAN AT HOME WITH RESISTANCE BAND | FITBEAST is a full week workout plan that can de done at home with resistance bands. The home plan with resistance band are easy to use because you have all the resistance you need right with you. When I started using resistance band within one full week I noticed major results( I started burning fat, building lean muscle and core strength). This plan will at home will work for you.
THE PLAN: Monday-chest & shoulders, Tuesday-Back & obliques, Wednesday-Legs, Thursday-Arms(triceps & biceps), Friday-Core + abs, Sat-off rest, repair, Sunday-Off rest, repair.
Do: 10-12 reps
Do:2-4 sets
Rest 60-90 seconds
NOTE: Your rest days will help you repair and build muscles
Monday-Chest & shoulders
0:00 intro
1:06 Chest press double arm(chest)
2:26 Chest press one arm(chest)
2:51 Chest press fly(mid chest)
3:10 Incline press
3:23 Decline chest press(lower chest)chest
3:42 Shoulder press(shoulders)
4:03 Front raise(shoulders)
4:25 Lateral raise(shoulders)
4:44 Rear fly(shoulders)
Tuesday-Back & obliques+ Adonis abs
5:25 Lat pull down(back)
5:41 One arm Lat pull (back)
6:06 bent over row(back)
6:23 standing row(back)
6:43 Good morning(lower back)
7:07 Over head side bent(abs, obliques, core)
7:33 Seated torso rotation(abs, obliques, core)
8:05 Wood chopper(abs, obliques, core)
8:57 Squats(legs)
9:25(Narrow squats(Legs)
9:53(Standing lunges(legs)
10:39 Dead lift(legs)
11:11 Hip extension(hips)
Thursday-Arms(triceps & biceps)
12:45 Skull crunchers(triceps)
13:01 Over head triceps extension(triceps)
13:18 Standing triceps extension(triceps)
13:46 Triceps kickbacks(triceps)
14:10 Biceps ISO curls(biceps)
14:37 Preacher curls(biceps)
14:59 Crucifix one arm(biceps)
Friday-Core + Abs
15:52 Over head crunches(abs)
16:13 Kneeling crunches(abs)
16:32 Bicycles(abs)
16:50 Torso rotation(abs, obliques)
Item Title: Action Sport Trap
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/action-sport-trap-J4Q3UP8
Item ID: J4Q3UP8
Author Username: Audiolibrary
Licensee: Karol Gj
Registered Project Name: Full week workout plan at home with resistant bands
License Date: March 25th, 2021
Item License Code: 3BXE6YV8TW
Item Title: Hard Action Trap
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/hard-action-trap-75SLV3G
Item ID: 75SLV3G
Author Username: BerryDeep
Licensee: Karol Gj
Registered Project Name: Full week workout plan at home with resistant bands
License Date: March 25th, 2021
Item License Code: MJVZS9FXPW
Item Title: Trap Music
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/trap-music-RB3JA8B
Item ID: RB3JA8B
Author Username: Micrah
Licensee: Karol Gj
Registered Project Name: Full week workout plan at home with resistant bands
License Date: March 25th, 2021
Item License Code: QAYM63GBW8
Item Title: This Is Trap
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/this-is-trap-GDZBXRJ
Author Username: cinematic_alex
Licensee: Karol Gj
Registered Project Name: Full week workout plan at home with resistant bands
License Date: March 25th, 2021
Item License Code: S7GNHKJ3Y5
Item Title: Hip-Hop Beat
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/hip-hop-beat-V7GMA8P
Item ID: V7GMA8P
Author Username: Audiolibrary
Licensee: Karol Gj
Registered Project Name: Full week workout plan at home with resistant bands
License Date: March 25th, 2021
Item License Code: YNFC4ALV9K
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#chancyfit #fullweekworkoutplanathomeformusclegain
#Chancyfit #fullweekworkoutplanathomewithresistancebandfitbeast
Yo quick question, can this also burn fat?
I just got rid of my Bowflex. I realize these bands work just as good or better to compliment weightlifting.
Best coach👑❤
Thanks very much for this amazing routine 🫡
I have been following this since the past 4 months now and I feel much stronger. How do we get to the next level? Like do we simply increase the tension and/or reps or the next level is hitting weights?
Thank you for a video that shows exactly what to do and even gives you a breakdown plan. Going to start tomorrow. I’ve just been given medical clearance to workout and I went and bought bands and I’m super excited to start my journey. Thank you for this video
Is some of the best workouts I’ve ever done and I lifted weights before in high school and gone very heavy on bench presses and squats. Shoulders very heavy biceps very heavy triceps very heavy kick box don’t taekwondo karate jujutsu Jitsu keto keto done it all but never have I gotten just ripped before from doing a workout, it will gain a lot of muscle from using his body❤
Will this okay for beginners?
will it help me to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously and as a beginner only i have is 10kg resistance so is it fine ??
Can I follow this for fat loss
Thank you!
Just what I was looking for🙏🏻
On my first week, thanks for this! The only issue I find is that I constantly need to be changing bands for the various exercises and it just interrupts the whole process. I hope this only happens on the first week, as I keep notes with the resistance value for the exercises so that I know what resistance to use next time. Let’s see how it goes!
thanks buddy really helps to get back into it again
10/20/24 Viewing; loved it. What are the brand and model of the resistance bands set your are using here?
Amazing video!
Im glad i found this video. I just got my ressitance band from shein and ive been looking for videos on how best to use them
Big Fan Sirrrr ❤️🙏🏻 Love Fromm Indiaa , You have a lot of fans here
Guys, I quit the gym after 1 year and a half
Does this cable at least save my muscles and keep it
2:01 day 1 start Monday
5:10 day 2 start Tuesday
8:40 day 3 Wednesday
12:40 day 4 Thursday
15:35 day 5 Friday
day 6 Saturday rest
day 7 Sunday rest
Hello just one question i am too skinny my weight is like 58 kg and i am tall but i am very athlectic and lean and i have défined abs i buy the exact same band as yours and i wonder if i do this every day with rest day and progressive overload can i atleast gain 15 lbs of lean muscle ? with the right diet and dicipline
Thanks Chancy… Can’t ask for more …This routines works like a tee!
Noticed this video is three years old so im a bit late to the party but this is the best resistance band workout ive seen anywhere. Ive just joined a gym and bought a set of these bands to use when I cant get there – you’ve done a great job putting this workout together so just wanted to thank you 👍
This is a great workout routine, can i see the difference in one month with good diet?
This has to be one of the best workout video on YouTube💪🫡👍
I’m almost 58 next month. Exercise daily and disabled. Also, I’m a bodybuilder. Have bands. You gave me a new plan. Thank you for the information.
I adore this video and I’m sharing with my friends. ❤ Thank you. I bought these same bands 6 months ago and rarely use them. I am now. ❤️💪🏽
8:39 DAY 3 (LEGS)
12:35 DAY 4 (ARMS)
15:33 DAY 5 (CORE & ABS)
How do you know which band to use? I’m a beginner, should I start 15, 20…? Thank you! Also, can you do everything in one day, and do it every other or every 2 days?
Is it good for fat loss
Just bought these for home training combined with gym. Really helpfull to see those excersises and see a whole week programm.
☺️ thx for this video
4 SETS – 12 REPS
2:09 Chest press double arm(chest)
2:26 Chest press one arm(chest)
2:51 Chest press fly(mid chest)
3:10 Incline press
3:23 Decline chest press(lower chest)chest
3:42 Shoulder press(shoulders)
4:03 Front raise(shoulders)
4:25 Lateral raise(shoulders)
4:44 Rear fly(shoulders)
12:45 Skull crunchers(triceps)
13:01 Over head triceps extension(triceps)
13:18 Standing triceps extension(triceps)
13:46 Triceps kickbacks(triceps)
5:25 Lat pull down(back)
5:41 One arm Lat pull (back)
6:06 bent over row(back)
6:23 standing row(back)
6:43 Good morning(lower back)
14:10 Biceps ISO curls(biceps)
14:37 Preacher curls(biceps)
14:59 Crucifix one arm(biceps)
Resistance Band Roll and Unroll
Resistance Band Forearm Curls
7:07 Over head side bent(abs, obliques, core)
7:33 Seated torso rotation(abs, obliques, core)
8:05 Wood chopper(abs, obliques, core)
8:57 Squats(legs)
9:25(Narrow squats(Legs)
9:53(Standing lunges(legs)
10:39 Dead lift(legs)
11:11 Hip extension(hips)
15:52 Over head crunches(abs)
16:13 Kneeling crunches(abs)
16:32 Bicycles(abs)
16:50 Torso rotation(abs, obliques)
Wow, those bands are the ones I have.
Thank you so much for the perfect effective and inexpensive/at home routine!!!!! You rock!!!
This is some next-level shiznit! I love this video, bands are the most underrated way to build muscle there is. I am thinking about freezing my gym account to work out at home during the nicer weather and it allows me more time to be with my family. God less brother and keep rocking it! Do you have an IG account?
I got dyspraxia and this has helped so much. My balance is so much more better😊
Could you plz tell me, for how many weeks do we do this?
Hey! Is this for bulking up?
I can’t wait to try!
H3llo sir whow many sets for each position?
This is good work out too
Where do I get the straps for the door from, I have all the bands
can we do one workout over before the other in a that day?
like if you i want to do no. 4 above the no. 3 on the leg day or any other day, should i do that for convenience?
Gym is far better than this,i preferred to go Gym
I know this is an old video and you most likely won’t see this but thank u for this video I would love if you could tell me some dumbbell workouts I can add to this or sub as I got dumbbells and resistance bands
Super Video Beitrag,vielen Dank dafür
Mfg Robert
new follower, thank you very much
5:12 – Day 2 – Back & Obliques + Adonis ABS
8:43 – Day 3 – Legs
12:38 – Day 4 – Arms -Triceps&Bicesp
15:37 – Day 5 – Core & ABS
What set are you using. I need a link for this same exact set
Hello sir your chaneel and amazing. ❤❤❤❤ love from india🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳