9 Habits I GAVE UP to LOSE 100 POUNDS While TIRED AF + KEEP IT OFF | Weight Loss Routine 2023
9 Habits I GAVE UP to LOSE 100 POUNDS While TIRED AF + KEEP IT OFF | Weight Loss Routine 2023
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✨ Hey friends! It took me about 10-12 months to lose 100lbs. These are the 9 habits I gave up that helped! Its so possible to lose weight, but there are certain habits we need to give up if you want to burn fat and have your own weight loss transformation journey! You got this! Let me know what you think!
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→See my body care routine: https://youtu.be/eEye210tPVw
→See how I lighten dark under arms: https://youtu.be/UGqJ55DpqAk
→See how I handle boils on my legs and underarms: https://youtu.be/Hph8ggEWukc
→See my video on what I ate to lose 100 pounds: https://youtu.be/M5rLNp34cS8
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Music by: Epidemic Sound
Thank you Hello Fresh for partnering with me on this video!
You are so wise. I love the way you speak and teach. Thank you for the lessons.
I was literally just saying that I need to focus on small changes and they will all come together. Because big changes are so challenging and unrealistic
I almost gave up today checking the scale. Then I got up & crushed it in the gym today 💪🏽 take it one day at a time. WE GOT THIS LADIES
Very helpful realistic tips, thanks
Yes! Having realistic expectations, starting slow changing a few things at a time is so key! My husband and I set out to lose 120 pounds as a couple and are documenting it on our YouTube channel! And something we are also saying is that we are not doing these fad diets, nor eliminating food groups and are losing weight slowly! I’ve lost weight fast before and gained it right back! This time I’m down 21 lbs by losing slowly and he’s down by 14 lbs! We still have a ways to go but it feels fine because it’s sustainable this time around!
Cico and exercise. Total calories matter. Sweets in minority and whole foods most of the time.
Great tips as always. Thank you. I stopped 99% drinking sugary drinks and juices.
✨ Hey friends! I hope you are well! It took me about 10-12 months to lose 100lbs. These are the 9 habits I gave up that helped! Its so possible to lose weight, but there are certain habits we need to give up if you want to burn fat and have your own weight loss transformation journey! You got this! Let me know what you think!👋🏾
Just found this video. Thank you for sharing!
This video is spot on. Love it
Drop whatever you are doing and go read the book Womans’s weight loss secrets: the unspoken truth, its absolutely life changing, trust me on this
You have to be related to Judge Lauren Lake! Similar facial expressions when you speak. Congratulations on your new life!
Great and practical video! The key is moderation and simple lifestyle changes I finally stopped being hung up on numbers and I’m ok with losing in tiny increments, glad u said 1-2 lbs is practical, bec I mentioned that to someone else and they thought it was too low of a number! But I’d much rather a slow and steady weightloss that will likely stay off versus quick weight loss to look good for a moment or event and the weight ends up right back hitting lk a ton of bricks!😅
TYFS! May I ask what kind of doctor you are?
Love your TRUTHS, this is what society NEEDS DOC. THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH!!!!!
Wow..thank you for posting..you are what I want to look like..
Thank you for the great tips
What exercise should I do to lose weight?
I love your attitude about health and weight loss! You give realistic advice and hope to us viewers.
I wanna lose 100 pounds so bad
You talk at a great pace! I usually listen to most people at 1.5-2x speed… I had to put you on normal! Lol!
My biggest goal this year is to lose 100lbs. I am down 12lbs since January 1st!
Thank you for this video! Definitely adds to my motivation!
I gain 100lbs 130 to 230lbs being on psychotropic medications increases your appetite to were sneaking and eating because you’re embarrassed could you stop eating? It started at 36yrs old till now am 55 yrs old
My weight come off n then come back on i get fatter than how i was
Love this advice I’m young and feeling kind of stuck yet again thank you so much o feel a step closer to a long healthy life lol
You’re amazing! I found you years ago!! I lost a lot of weight and certainly gained 50 pounds back. So I’m so glad I made it back to your channel! I know these tips will help me.
Probably the best and the most realistic and doable advice on weight loss.
Thank You …your content and transparency is life changing. My current trigger that I’ve been slowly working through is ovulation cravings I BE HUNGRY 😂but gluten free cereal and apples has definitely helped as well as doesn’t make me more bloated during that time. But if anybody has any other tips I’m more than open to feedback.
Thank you for this, you just gave me confirmation to keep loosing weight the right way for me and not worry with trends and fad diets that people boost on social media. I had someone that would constantly drink detox tea and practically starve herself to loose weight. Then gain all the weight back plus more months later and constantly get sick from stomach issues. I kept telling her that overuse of herbs and products, without eating a balanced diet will just lead to more health issues as we get older. She would throw shade and say things like, “ Im not gonna let a fat person give me health advice”. I told her I would rather get a physical, blood test and get advice from my doctor. So far with help from my doctor and gradually changing my habits, I’ve lost about 45 pounds over the course of a year. In January I joined a gym, then after a couple months of working out doing both weights and cardio. I went and found a good protein powder that I could just add with water and drink on the go or after a long workout. I’m happy I did my own thing. My body shape is changing, stomach slowly shrinking, I actually have a booty now😂 and my thighs are starting to have more definition. I’m gonna work at my arms and back too. I also try not to look a the no more than 2 times a week, because some weeks my weight will stay the same or even go up a pound but the inches in my waist keeps shrinking.
Omg! You are such an Inspiration. I need Help I loose motivation and lack Energy!!!!! 😊
Excuse my language but…
"You did that shit !" 😍
⏰ Consistency > Intensity ⚡
How long did it take you to lose the weight? Did you have to have surgeries or anything to deal with extra skin?
Thank you for these tips. I lost weight in 2021 and gained a lot of it back 😭. It’s not a significant amount of weight, i need to lose 17 lbs but I’ve been stuck for 3 months without weight moving. I’ve tried to cut things out and it’s not sustainable. I have an issue with portion control and sweets. These tips are great and I’m going to try this.
Can someone tell me every single step I need to do to lose 100 pounds like exercise and diet wise. Please I beg you 🙏🏾
i gained back all the weight i lost on keto, ill try these things instead
Great video thank you
I started at 300 lbs in a wheelchair I’m down a hundred lbs now and I’ve never felt better
Great video thank you for your wisdom
Whew, your charisma is off the charts! 💥
You look beautiful and very photogenic
Not God the Father😂 My changes have me 55 lbs. down
I use to watch you when I was 13 and very insecure about my weight. I am now in college and I’ve gained so much weight and I can’t get myself to care about my weight. It’s like I’ve become comfortable being obese. I am exactly 300 pounds. What can I do better?
I use the Yuka app when I go to the supermarket! Things I thought was healthy I was totally wrong! Since I been using this app big difference! Thank you so much!!!❤
Your so sweet ❤ im making my way theough your videos 🎉
Thank you for this amazing video ❤️
Hi, Dr. Nina! Could you do a video on how to manage post-workout pain? I’m trying to get these “runner thighs,” but these squats leave ya girl SORE! 😅 Thanks for considering…
First video I’ve seen by you but I had to subscribe when you made that “God the father” joke 😂😂